What is IT Asset Remarketing?

There comes a time in every company’s life when you just have to get rid of IT equipment. Whether you are upgrading, switching systems, or making acquisitions, chances are you have old IT equipment on hand that you are likely to no longer need. This is where IT asset remarketing can be a solution. What is IT asset remarketing? It’s just one more service that Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction has to offer, and it can help you make money from your old electronic equipment.
Make Money From Your Old Electronic Equipment
With our IT asset remarketing services at Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction you can put old computers, laptops, and more back to work for you, and you can even make money from that old electronic equipment. We’ll explain how, but first, let us tell you where.
Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction has locations spread across both Wisconsin and Nebraska, and we don’t mind handling out-of-state work either as we have representatives all across the country. Specifically, we have Wisconsin locations in Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, and Green Bay, and Nebraska locations in Lincoln and a B2B location in La Vista. Now that you know a little more about us, let us walk you through the IT asset remarketing process so you can learn how it works.
Read More: Can You Recycle TVs?
Can You Get a Quote on Your IT Equipment?
Of course, you can get a quote. In fact, that’s the first step in our process. You reach out to us and we can create a customized solution for you after reviewing your IT asset inventory. Begin the process right online using the button below and we will submit an offer back to you. It’s truly as easy as that to get started.

Collecting Your IT Equipment
Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction is a flexible business. You can drop off your equipment at any of the aforementioned facilities above whenever it’s convenient for you, or you can arrange for us to come to you and pick it up. The choice is yours and we can discuss it after you receive your quote.
Will Your Data be Secure?
Absolutely, your data will be secure. We don’t want anything to happen to your data. When you do IT asset remarketing through us, we will never sell any computer or piece of electronic equipment with your hard drives. Upon receiving your equipment, before we work on the selling aspect of the process, we remove any and all hard drives, wipe all data according to NIST/NAID standards and physically destroy them. If necessary, we’ll employ new hard drives to facilitate the sale of your equipment.
How Does Data Destruction Work?
Selling or Redeploying Old IT Equipment
Now comes the best part, you can decide whether you want to redeploy your equipment within your own business, donate it to a charity, or you can allow us to remarket it and sell it to external buyers. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and let us take care of the rest of the work.
Not only will we sell your IT assets for you, but we will also provide thorough reporting that will allow you to track inventory, what was sold, our sale price, and more. We’ll remain totally transparent throughout the entire process, all you have to do is sit back, relax, and let us do the work for you.
IT Asset Remarketing With Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction
The sooner you sell your old IT equipment, the more value you can potentially get out of it. Don’t leave these discarded assets to collect dust, lose value, and pose a possible security risk with their unwiped date. Give yourself some peace of mind and make some money while you’re doing it by partnering with Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction for your IT asset remarketing services. We are thorough, fast, reliable, and ready to get to work for you!
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Categorized in: IT Asset Remarketing