Recycling the Past for a Better Future

From updating software versions and phone systems, to staff computers and servers, IT continuously implements more efficient technology that helps businesses run smoothly. In a sense, IT professionals are always looking forward to the next big thing.
Meanwhile, storage rooms and other office areas began to resemble hardware junkyards. While the idea was to use the old equipment for parts or backup, the bigger reason for these collections is a bit more complex.
Data Concerns of the Past
When the green movement began, companies started looking for more ways to recycle. Purchasing departments tried to assist IT by finding and hiring electronics disposal and recycling companies. However, while this effort may have helped free up space in an office, IT departments discovered that many recyclers didn’t have clear statements on data security once the equipment left their office.
To take matters into their own hands, some IT departments simply wiped computer hard drives in-house, but that process can take a lot of time and attention depending on how much equipment a company has. Plus, an in-house process doesn’t necessarily wipe drives completely. But for many IT departments, this was preferable to having little or no confidence in data security when working with an outside vendor. Ultimately, hoarding the equipment seemed to be the safest way to go.
Times Have Changed
Thankfully, data security concerns for recycling are a thing of the past. Sadoff is proud of the electronics recycling, secure data destruction, and asset remarketing services we’ve built over our many years in business. Yet, many IT professionals might not be aware of the possibilities available to them today.
For instance, after twelve years of IT work in the medical industry, Sadoff’s own Chad Hayes gained insight into how the IT industry can adapt to the times, benefitting not only their department, but their company’s bottom line:
“IT departments need to understand that there is value in the things they want to recycle. Instead of thinking about recycling as getting 100 computers off the books, for example, there are now options to provide their accounting department with equipment serial numbers, certificates of destruction that remove data liability, and even compensation for materials that can help offset the cost of new equipment.”
– Chad Hayes, Director of Electronics Recycling & Data Destruction, Sadoff
The days of approaching recycling from a purchasing standpoint are gone. Today, IT departments need to work with a reliable partner that makes recycling part of an integrated strategy for their department and company. Beyond actual recycling, Sadoff helps IT departments asses future equipment purchases so they understand the value of those materials when it comes time for another upgrade.
How the Electronics Recycling Process Works
Before any recycling is done, Sadoff meets with each company to develop a custom solution based on their needs. Some companies will want just a single certificate of destruction for an entire load, while others will need an asset disposition for every individual piece of equipment and hard drive that’s been destroyed. They may also want pictures of the equipment being destroyed. Sadoff can provide whatever extent of information a company might need.
When it comes time to recycle and a customer wants to watch their equipment load being processed, we invite them to our facility to make sure that everything is being done as promised.
Here’s an example of what happens to an incoming load of tower or desktop computers:
- All hard drives are removed and shredded or sanitized to NIST/NAID specifications
- Remaining units are broken down to their base parts
- Each part is recycled in its appropriate method (most reduced to precious metals)
- These metals can then be provided to companies to make new products with
- Closed loop process – no part sees a landfill
Sadoff’s certifications include ISO9001, 14001, 18000, R2, and Green Tier. We are also recognized by the Department of Natural Resources and do monthly internal audits for safety and environmental controls. These certifications and processes help our customers know that if they partner with us, we’re doing everything we say we’re doing.
Having the reassurance that data is being destroyed the way it’s supposed to be, making sure the assets are recorded properly, having the insurance to remove liability, and being backed by certification are things you couldn’t find from recyclers in the past. Today, Sadoff provides all of these services and more.
Addressing the Complete Equipment Life Cycle
For IT departments today, there shouldn’t be a room piled full of old equipment. Purchasing departments shouldn’t be searching for a recycling vendor every time a new equipment purchase is made. IT professionals need to consider the complete life cycle of their equipment, from the time they take it out of the box, to the time it gets recycled, and what will happen to it thereafter. Partnering with Sadoff will provide total life cycle understanding, while protecting your security, offsetting your costs, and helping fulfill your sustainability efforts.
If you need to close the loop on your IT equipment and your company’s sustainability program, contact us today to arrange a tour of our facility and let us know what kind of solution we can create for you.
Tags: data destruction, data security, e-recycling, electronics recyclingCategorized in: Data Security, E-Recycle, Electronics Recycling