CATEGORY: Data Security

Report: Annual E-Waste Outweighs the Great Wall of China

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We founded Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction in 2017 to help address the growing need for proper electronic waste disposal. In the years since we began our operations, the amount of electronic equipment produced annually has only accelerated. The accompanying... View Article

E-Recycling vs Mining

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Should we really be mining our precious metals out of the ground, or should we be mining our e-waste instead? Find out as we compare e-recycling vs mining to look at the effects of both on our environment and our... View Article

E-Waste Emergency: 6 Alarming Stats on Electronics Disposal

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The E-Waste Crisis When we adopt new technology, the old stuff (a.k.a. “e-waste”) doesn’t just disappear. E-recycling is the ongoing effort to properly dispose of e-waste. E-waste presents a modern ecological catastrophe in the making, as components of obsolete electronics... View Article

Can You Recycle TVs?

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When you think of recycling you probably think about plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and maybe even glass. What about other things? Can you recycle TVs? That’s a good question. After all, what’s in a TV? It’s mostly plastic, metals, and... View Article

Data Security and Sustainability: A Cohesive Partnership

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  Now more than ever, security precautions and sustainable solutions are top-of-mind for many consumers and businesses. With the increase in cyberattacks and data breaches, combined with the dire need to create less e-waste, it’s critical that end-of-life electronics are... View Article