Where to Recycle Electronics in Illinois?

Every business, big or small, has electronics that they no longer need. These old electronics are not only gathering dust, but they are increasing your liability too. If you are an Illinois business, then you may be trying to figure out where to recycle electronics in Illinois, and Sadoff is here to help!
Electronic Recycling Options For Illinois
When you have electronics that need recycling in Illinois, it’s easy to get them taken care of as an individual. The Illinois state government is one of the few states that has mandated free electronics recycling be available to all individual consumers for most electronics and devices.
However, if you are a business, you are going to have to decide upon a service to use as you are not afforded the same fee-free electronics recycling as individuals are. Though there are some services that claim to be free for businesses, we will talk more about those momentarily.
Can You Throw Electronics in the Trash in Illinois
As you may have expected, given the generous electronics recycling policy that Illinois has adopted, it is illegal to throw electronics in the trash or in the normal recycling bin for that matter.
This has been made the case because electronics contain numerous heavy and precious metals that are not only toxic and can leach into soil and groundwater but are also difficult to mine and highly recyclable.
Moreover, traditional recycling centers don’t have the infrastructure or equipment to handle e-recycling processes. Perhaps unsurprisingly, recycling something like a computer or a cell phone is a lot more complex than recycling plastic, cardboard, and aluminum cans.
Why You Should Trust Your Corporate E-Recycling to a Professional Service
You want an e-recycling service that comes highly certified with certifications like being an i-SIGMA member, R2 certification, and being ITAD registered is a big bonus as well. You also want one with years of experience and one that promises to take 100% contractual liability.
Are Free E-Recycling Services Legit?
If you’ve seen free recycling e-recycling services or have been solicited by them, you should run away. They present a lot of issues and often it boils down to liability. If something happens while they are handling your electronics and any data those electronics may contain, you may remain on the hook entirely. Sometimes electronics are worth money, and a good e-recycling service will be upfront about that, but services claiming to always be free are cutting corners somewhere.
Read More: The Dirty Truth About Free E-Recycling Services
Do You Need an E-Recycling Service That Also Offers Data Destruction?
Do you have an industrial hard drive shredder or i-SIGMA-certified drive wiping software? We bet we can guess the answer. A simple hard drive format or even several isn’t going to do enough to ensure that data on your old drives is inaccessible to others. Third-party data breaches are common. Don’t let your business be part of the statistic.
5 Ways to Prevent a Third-Party Data Breach
Is Sadoff the Right E-Recycling Service For Your Business?
If you hadn’t guessed already, Sadoff has all the stuff you are looking for. We do e-recycling and data destruction. We have all the certifications and we are even ITAD registered. Of course, we own 100% of all liability contractually. We can do business nationwide and but we are a midwest-based business allowing us to easily serve Illinois. If you are an Illinois business looking for e-recycling services, reach out to us for a quote today! You can even read a recent case study from a fellow Illinois business that utilized our services.
Categorized in: E-Recycle