E-Recycling for Managed IT Services

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Managed IT is a huge field that’s filled with competitors looking to differentiate and outperform all while providing what the end customer wants. Increasingly, those end consumers are becoming more and more green as they look for ways to reduce... View Article

State of the Industry: Manufacturing First

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  Two representatives of Sadoff recently attended the annual Manufacturing First Expo & Conference, the largest manufacturing conference in Wisconsin. In light of the annual event, its insightful speeches, and the many enlightening conversations and connections, the time is right... View Article

Where to Recycle Industrial Electronics

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Let’s be honest, there are not a lot of electronics recyclers out there, at least when it comes to your standard electronics. Even Best Buy will take your old computers and monitors. Don’t use Best Buy though, seriously. They will... View Article

Avoid a Third-Party Data Breach

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No matter how careful you are with your data, your company may still be subject to a data breach through no fault of your own, or rather through mostly no fault of your own. Even if you keep your data... View Article

What to do With Old Lithium-Ion Batteries

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You may not even realize how many lithium-ion batteries you have sitting around in your home or at your business. Your cell phones and laptops are the obvious sources, but there are many different applications that use lithium-ion power. If... View Article

E-Recycling Services Near You

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E-recycling is important for the environment, for your community, and even for the protection of your precious data. If you are looking for e-recycling services near you, Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction is here to help with our R2-certified electronics... View Article

What is R2 Certification in E-Recycling?

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At Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction, we are proud of our certifications. We have a lot of them, but our R2 certification is sort of a big deal. What is R2 certification in E-Recycling? It rolls in several other certifications... View Article

How to Protect Client Data in Old Computers

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A company of any size is going to develop troves of data and that data should be protected. You can install anti-virus software, ensure proper safety protocols are followed, and create or employ IT security training, all of that is... View Article

Sadoff – Reflecting on 75 Years of Excellence

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Recently, Sadoff was featured in the Midlands Business Journal for our work in Omaha. It was a beautiful feature about our history, our longevity, and our future, and we’d like to include some of those reflections here as well. The... View Article